Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gearing Up for Spring Cleaning

For much of the country, this has been a milder than normal winter. However, less snow fall and bearable temperatures doesn't mean that we aren't all ready for much warmer temperatures and the nice weather of spring. Darker days are giving way to longer hours of sunlight and daylight savings’ spring forward time is this weekend.  We all know what that means. Spring cleaning time is here as well.

Many of us will do a top down house cleaning from the attic to the basement. This level of cleaning and de-cluttering requires planning and organization to keep from becoming overwhelmed. It is best to prepare a list of trouble spots and goals before you jump in with a bucket and mop. Being organized about your spring cleaning will hopefully prevent burnout halfway through a big cleaning project.

I had the maid start spring cleaning—OK, not really, I’m the only maid in our house at the moment. We (the kids and I) started our spring cleaning a couple of weekends ago, which didn’t thrill me all that much as I really just wanted to do absolutely nothing after working hard all week. But I powered through and once I got started creating my plan of attack, it was game on. I began in the kitchen and spent several hours deep cleaning and rearranging. Then next were the bathrooms. This weekend I plan to tackle the living and dining rooms.

On Monday, Mark sent me a link to an article on Apartment Therapy that listed really cool Smartphone cleaning apps—I wish I’d read it before getting started on my cleaning detail. I’ll share it with you now so you can create your own spring cleaning assault plan. Take a look at six top rated cleaning apps.

“Honeydo has a built in chat application, sends tasks and activity assigner to maintain balance and ensures someone is on top of things…” Find out more.

Epic Win
“Fantasy junkies and Role-Players will get a kick out of Epic Win which houses tasks and chores beneath the facade of an epic adventure…” Read more. 

Best used by yourself as a personal motivator to clean and record progress on your housekeeping history. Notes on activities can be written down for additional information to intricate details on laundry stains or helpful hardwood floor cleaning techniques…” Check it out.

Cloud List Pro
“If you live in a shared house full of smart phone users, Cloud List Pro syncs with the developers servers to make 'I didn't know what I was assigned to do' an invalid excuse…” Take a look.

iReward Chart
Teaching children about the importance of housework with iReward Chart is an effective way of watching over your childs progress while organizing preset responsibilities…Get more info.

Chore Checklist
“Regular tasks can be created and scheduled for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly timelines along with being assigned colors for personal organizing…” Get the scoop.  

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