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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Real or Fake: The Great Christmas Tree Debate

Ok, it's that time of year again, Christmas is literally just around the corner. So I am starting my planning already, gift lists are being drawn up, guest lists and Christmas Card lists are being assembled, and the question of decoration has arisen. Each year I consider what to do about the tree, I have always been a proponent of the real thing, it makes for an authentic Christmas I would always say. But recently I have seen some trees that have given me pause, and also heard some arguments that really do make sense.
There is the obvious "green" argument that it is better for the environment. Well, people argue this on both sides, that the mulch created by old trees makes up for this, so that's not real convincing to me. Safety though is. I love to come home from a long day of work to a house with the tree already lit. I can do that with an artificial tree, not areal one. With a real tree please make sure you are home, if not, in the room whenever the lights are one, every year there are tragic stories of people who have lost everything to fire caused by their Christmas tree. The other argument is that my dogs will search out any water left sitting in the house and I don't need them drinking tree water, I know that's a bit shallow but there it is.
So what tree to buy? When looking for a tree, go with your instinct. I went to Balsam Hill, because I liked their site and the variety of trees that they offer. But look for the number of "tips" the higher the number the better the quality of tree.
Let me know your thoughts on this, I would be interested to see what other people decided to do.


Anonymous said...

I don't know...I think I have to go with tradition. For many years, we go, we agonize, we take several out, turn around and gaze at tree after tree and do all the work associated with it. It's just something we do...and enjoy! Each year, each tree has a personality. One year it has a hole in this spot, maybe one year it's shorter, one year the base is shorter, one year it's more narrow at the top, wider, narrower, etc. It's different every year, and that's interesting. We'll probably continue on that path. :) Fun post!

Brilliant Asylum said...

I prefer the tradition of a real tree, but I am ready for one NOW and no one is selling the real thing on Nov 15th. There are some great artificial trees now, one of which I will get for the office this year.

Unknown said...

I've always done a lot of Christmas decorating for my clients over the years and I used to be a big proponent of the real tree. However with the new technology and design in artificial tree market there are very close or better than the real thing in many ways. My clients want their trees up as close to the day after Thanksgiving as possible and in Las Vegas the dry climate can suck the life out of any tree in a few days no matter how much water you give it. So now I opt for good high quality fakes. The secret is the buy a small real tree and cut off all the branches. I then insert the real branches through ought the tree. It adds a bit of realism and gives you that real tree smell. If you are worried about dryness you can use those floral water tubes at the end of each branch. I buy them at the local floral supply store. Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

I'm personally a fan of real Christmas trees and real Christmas wreaths; they just capture the authenticity and symbolism of Christmas.