I love my garden, it has been a work in progress now for a year or two, and each spring, just as surely as the bulbs bloom, we start on a new project to add to it. Last year we did the big projects, and now we are just trying to finish some of the in fill pieces.
I met yesterday with one of the owners of
SynLawn, a faux grass company. hey have a new product that had caught my eye, no longer was it just a wash of green, this new product of theirs actually has a brown edging at the roots, it give an amazingly realistic look to the finished product.
I have this large section to the garden which I did in gravel last year, which has been very versatile, but now that Ruby is a little older, having some big grass play area would be great. The area is a little shady, so real grass is probably not the best solution.
I can't wait to show you what it looks like when its done.....
Next Project: Outdoor Dining Room