There seems in every project an eternal struggle over TV or no TV (after watching Britney on TV last night I am beginning to think that no TV is a good idea!). But seriously, it can be a big challenge when space is a problem, and you are trying to create a room that serves as both Living Room and Family Room. The issue is getting simpler with the development of the flat screen TV, but if you still have a regular TV the problem can be acute.
In the home above, I built a cabinet to house the TV, that when it is closed looks shallow, but when open, you can see that it goes way back into the wall. This sort of imaginative use of space can really help. Often when you try and use an Armoire to house the TV it ends up over scale for the room, whereas something like this can be quite slim and works in a multitude of spaces.
So here are some other ideas that you may want to consider, so that the TV, does not always end up at the center of attention:
If you have a flat screen TV you can use a good size picture frame around it to make it fit in more with your decor. Try using a CD of family photo's running while you are not watching TV, it's a simple way to turn it into art work.
If you have a bigger budget a hydraulic lift can work wonders, but it can get expensive, and watch out for those fingers!
Don't fall in to the trap of getting a huge, over sized TV, a smaller one can work just as well, and offer as much viewing pleasure, without taking over your room.
Try to avoid putting the TV in the middle of the room. If it is a bit off to the side you may be able to "zone" the space so that it can function multiple ways.